
Common Questions

Why did you contact me?

Hawaii Asset Restoration contacted you because we have located some unclaimed funds and we have identified you as the owner of those funds. We have the ability to recover this money for you.

What are “unclaimed funds?”

Generally, funds left unclaimed consist of old accounts and uncashed checks. Often the money is from a check that was never deposited, lost in the mail or misplaced. In other instances, the owner of the unclaimed funds has died and the heirs have no knowledge of the existence of these funds. The unclaimed property we work with does NOT include any real estate (e.g., homes, buildings or land), but it may include funds leftover from real estate transactions, tax refunds or overpayments, or corporate overpayments.

As far as I know, I don't have any “unclaimed funds.”

The vast majority of our clients were previously unaware that they had unclaimed money. If they HAD been aware of these funds, they would not be unclaimed, hence the term “unclaimed funds.” The reason we contacted you is because we are confident that (1) the funds exist, (2) you are the owner of these funds, and (3) we will be able to recover these funds for you.

How did these funds go unclaimed in the first place?

Funds can become unclaimed for a multitude of reasons, many of which have nothing to do with the owner. Now that we know that these funds exist, we are in a position to recover them for you. This is good news, not bad news.

I assume it's not that much money, so I don't see why I should send in the agreement.

We’ve found that the individuals who believe that they are missing the least money are often the recipients of the most money when the check for the funds is issued. And since we only earn our fee when the funds are recovered, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by sending in the agreement.

OK, so what are the funds that you found for me?

For privacy concerns, we initially know only the estimated value of the funds. After your claim has been filed, we will know the specifics of the funds.

Why is this the first time that I am being notified about these unclaimed funds?

Organizations holding unclaimed funds in Hawaii are not required to locate and/or notify the owners of unclaimed funds. Accordingly, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to recover the unclaimed funds without our help.

Who will receive the unclaimed funds?

Payment of the unclaimed funds will be sent to the owner.

If the Owner is deceased, who may recover the unclaimed funds referred to in your letter?

The surviving spouse, daughter, son, other relative, trust, or designated beneficiary can claim the unclaimed funds.

When will I receive my money?

It depends on which government entity currently retains your money, but we have seen funds delivered in as little as 30 days and as long as six months. No matter how long it takes, we will be in contact with you every step of the way.

What is the fee to reclaim the unclaimed funds?

We do NOT charge an up-front fee to use our services. When your unclaimed funds have been recovered, we charge a diminishing fee of 30-40% of the recovered funds, depending on the amount recovered. The more we recover, the smaller the percentage claimed as detailed in the agreement that we sent you. We will only deduct our fee if we are able to return your funds, there is no risk to you and we will not charge you if we do not recover anything. Our percentage fee covers the cost of:

  • Our 16 years of experience in performing prompt unclaimed funds recoveries
  • Dedicated personnel that will help you through every step of the claims process
  • Our strong relationships with the entities who hold unclaimed funds
  • Specialized legal services as necessary to obtain the unclaimed funds

We think you’ll agree that 70% of something is better than 100% of NOTHING.

How is this different than any of the scams I've heard of?

We understand your concern, but this is not a scam. We are a Hawaii-registered company that has been helping individuals and organizations recover their unclaimed property. We have contacted you because there is unclaimed money in your name and Hawaii Asset Restoration can help you recover these funds.

We charge NO UP-FRONT FEE to work on your claim. Unless we recover your unclaimed money, you will pay us NO FEE. Thus, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having us initiate recovery of the money.


I have never received a letter from Hawaii Asset Restoration. Can I still hire you to look for funds that I may have lost?

No. Our services are only available to individuals and organizations for whom we have already located unclaimed money AND to whom we have already sent a letter with the intent of helping them to recover these funds.

What do you need from me to get started?

Just sign the agreement and return it to us by email, fax it to us, or send us a hard copy by postal mail using our postage-free reply envelope. Once we receive your agreement, we will be in touch and begin recovering your money immediately.

What should I do if I still have questions regarding the letter you sent to me?

Just contact us and we will be happy to explain the process. Also, you may have your attorney or accountant call us.

Not sure where to start?
Give us a call!

PHONE & fax

(808) 672-2478

Hawaii Asset Restoration contacted me and told me that I was entitled to money from the court. I was surprised and a little skeptical at first, but I was able to collect the money within a few weeks. Without Hawaii Asset Restoration, I never would have known about it. I’m so grateful for their services!

—Kali P.

Honolulu, HI

Take the next step

Respond To Our Letter and Claim Your Assets Today

Email Or Fax Your Signed Agreement Today

The sooner you act, the sooner you will recover your assets.








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